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私たちは、本園の教育理念「子どもは何ものに もかえがたい宝である」を肝に銘じ、全身教育 を推進し、ただしい子、うつくしい子、つよい 子、あかるい子の育成に努めます。

Keeping in mind our educational philosophy, “Nothing is more precious than children”, we will carry out “Zenshin Kyouiku” or “achieving good development through stimulation and inspiration to children’s whole being ”. We are determined to develop children’s intellectuality, emotion, strong-will, and physical and mental well-being. With our educational philosophy, “Nothing is more precious than children”, in mind, we will promote whole-person education (Zenshin-kyoiku) and develop children’s intellectuality, emotion, strong-will, and physical and mental well-being.